Sunday, March 2, 2014

Last Man Standing

Lone I stand
understanding them all
Hand red with labor and pain
Sometimes I miss my childhood
My children and laughter
Like it was happiness I was really after
Its not.
I am the last of my kind.
The oldest tree in the forest.
The rare beast one horning through dreams and painted fields,
I am the elder. The answered question.
Who am I?
I am protector of legends.

I am Not a unicorn.
But i am the rhino in the garden.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

don't you ever forget

Testament the torn
Don't forget to be porn reborn in boring skin settle on the subtleties that life throws at you hatchet for a wedding daze we've frequently fried ourselves from feeling any fight the frost bite the day hates taking breaks not allowed even if your group of clouds wedding in the Sun letting in the one hopefully we get this right before it all goes wrong and we fall apart like to meet decaying meet on the counter for word forward lol forward